Survey Incentives for Higher Completion Rates

Giving the user an incentive to complete the survey can greatly increase your completion rates. It also helps you get consent, as they won't be giving up their data for free, they will be getting something in return. The incentives will vary from business to business, and could be anything like discounts, entry into a raffle, in-app goods or free month of service. Below are some examples of possible incentives for different industries.

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Gaming Apps

Games are the easiest apps to implement survey incentives.

Survey vs Ads

Rather than earning $0.01 from a video ad, have the user complete a survey

In-App Goods

Give in-app goods or currency for the user completing a survey

Meditation, Mindfulness & Yoga Apps

These kind of apps either sell premium exercises or work with a subscription plan

Free Week

In exchange of a survey, get a week of subscription free

Free Exercise

In exchange of a survey completion, give an exercise free for a limited time or forever

Our awesome features
Our awesome features

E-Commerce Apps

E-commerce business need to be careful about their incentives and have upper monetary limits.


Give 15% discount (up to $50) on next item purchased in exchange for a survey completion

Free Shipping

Provide free shipping on next item purchased in exchange for a survey completion

Financial Services and Banking

In the financial industry incentives can be more intricate.


Get one entry to a raffle to win a MacBook, in exchange for a completed survey

Service Fees Waived

Service fees waived for your next transaction (upto $20), in exchange for a completed survey

Our awesome features
Our awesome features

Travel & Hospitality Apps

What could be better incentive than a cheap vacation.

Special Deals

Get a discounted price on a vacation, in exchange for completing a survey

Remove Ads

Remove ads for a week, in exchange for completing a survey

Our awesome features

Food Delivery, Recipe & Dieting Apps

There are a wide range of incentives possible in food related apps. For example:

Free Delivery

Get free delivery from your next order, in exchange for a completed survey

Premium Recipe

Get a free premium recipe, in exchange for a completed survey

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Retail & Groceries

Giving real world incentives will also help you get your customers to your store


$10 discount next time you go shopping, if you complete a survey

Points on Loyalty Card

Win 10% more point on your loyalty card for a week, if you complete a survey

Business, Productivity and SaaS

Incentives in this industry can be tied to an individual or the whole team.

Upgrade the Business Account

If a whole team fills out the survey, the business account will be upgraded to next tier for free for a month


Get one entry to a raffle to win a MacBook, in exchange for a completed survey

Our awesome features
Our awesome features

Restaurants, Bars, Coffee Shops

Giving real world incentives will also help you get your customers into your premises

Free Drink

Get a free drink for completing a survey

Kids Eat for Free

Have your kid eat one meal item for free, in exchange for completing a survey

Workout, Fitness and Wellness Apps

These kind of apps mostly have a freemium model. You can buy select premium exercises or get the pro subscription plan

Free Day of Pro

Unlock the pro features for a day for free, for completing a survey

One Session of Video Training

Win a one-on-one session with a coach for completing a survey, also acting as a trial

Our awesome features
Our awesome features

Education, Learning and Self-Improvement Apps

Premium content and the chance to get in front of others are some incentives that can be used.

Premium Content

Access to premium content for a week, in exchange for a completed survey

Early Access

Early access to new content for a month, in exchange for a survey completion, in order get ahead of the competition in your career

Make Better Product Decisions

Know your users better to create a product that fits their needs.

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